Ka mua Ka muri –
Matariki at Māpura 2024
Alberton House hours: Wed – Sun
10.30am – 4.00pm
Opening Evening: 6-8pm Wednesday 19th June
Join us as we celebrate our annual Matariki exhibition at Alberton House.
Matariki is a time for gathering with those we love to reflect on the past year and make audacious plans for the year ahead.
This year’s exhibition themes are remembrance, celebration, and future dreaming.
Images right: Opening Evening
Photos by John Ferriss
The show’s curators, Alvie McKree and Cath O’Brien, welcome everybody.
At the opening event, Māpura artist Leonie Brunt read six of her poems themed around Matariki and Taryn Banks was our NZSL interpreter.
‘Ka mua Ka muri’
“walking backwards into the future” this whakataukī references Māori perspectives of time, where past, present and future are viewed as intertwined. We reflect on the past and use the wisdom gained from those reflections to inform the future.